The Long Game
Brian Kemp Says There Are 'Outside Agitators' in Georgia Election

Brian Kemp Says There Are 'Outside Agitators' in Georgia Election

The race for governor in Georgia is intense. You could script a full Netlix mini-series around the two main characters and the history between them. But when Secretary of State Brian Kemp, the Republican candidate, denounced critics this week who say he's suppressing the black vote, he resurrected an old term that carries a lot of baggage from the deep South's dark segregationist and Jim Crow era.

Outside agitators. That's what Kemp called his detractors.

Here, I explore the history of that term, and of the events that brought this election to this point.

You can read my article on the topic at this link:

Outro music: "Atliens," by Outkast

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The Long Game
Americans don't know how to solve problems. We've lost sight of what institutions are and why they matter. The Long Game is a look at some key institutions, such as political parties, the U.S. Senate, the media, and the church. Support this show at